There are approximately 13 million people suffering from PTSD and over 57 million people suffering from mental illness in the US. We want to bring SEE MEMORY’s message of hope and healing to each and every single person who needs to hear it.

Viviane and SEE MEMORY are on a mission to:

Provide easy access to mental health resources

  • Promote mental health through innovative social media campaigns

  • Provide healing through the emerging field of NeuroArts

We are having an impact through:

School screenings & assemblies for students, parents and educators

  • College and graduate school screenings for students and professors

  • Turnkey tools & screenings for mental health professionals

  • Community screenings & conversations with mental health advocates and the public

  • Social media content aimed at promoting healing conversations

“Blends art, therapy and science seamlessly, grasping this enormous aspect of humanity in a unique and multidimensional way.”

Paul Browde, M.D., Psychiatrist, Narrative Medicine Faculty Columbia University

Composer Paul Brill performing to SEE MEMORY at Joe’s Pub at the Public Theater



If your community, organization or school could benefit from a wellness and mental health awareness event, consider hosting a screening of SEE MEMORY.

Classroom Screenings

Through New Day Films or  Kanopy

Public Performance (beyond the classroom), requires “Life of File”


  • Digital Public Screening License

  • Private screening link to SEE MEMORY

  • Marketing materials like high resolution photos and clips from the film and a downloadable Media Kit

  • Event planning toolkit with tips to help your event succeed

  • Discussion and Activities Guide

  • 17 educational and therapeutic clips from the film focusing on different subtopics related to memory.

Unlimited In Person Screening License + Toolkit


Digital download of the film for use in perpetuity

Marketing materials like custom posters, flyers & press release templates

Toolkit including tips for hosting an impactful event and discussion panel

Utilize as a fundraiser via sponsors, ticket sales and donations during event



•Virtual appearance + Q&A with painter and film director Viviane Silvera

Custom virtual toolkit with film, bonus content, your branding & resources

•Virtual encore expanding your reach beyond event day

•Digital downland of the film for use in perpetuity

•Use as a fundraiser via sponsors, ticket sales & donations during event

•Marketing materials + event planning support

“An amazing introduction to how traumatic memories form an impediment to living one's life to its fullest and a tool to combat stigma around mental health."

Ramina Bebezova, Clinical Psychology Student at Tufts University, Coordinator of Student-led Mental Health Organization

Viviane giving the Keynote speech at Tufts University’s NeuroNetwork event



•Live appearance + Q&A with painter and film director, Viviane Silvera

•Custom virtual toolkit with film, bonus content, your branding & resources

Virtual encore expanding your reach beyond event day

•Digital downland of the film for use in perpetuity

•Use as a fundraiser via sponsors, ticket sales & donations during event

•Marketing materials + event planning support

SEE MEMORY is an inspiring guide into the frontiers of our deepest questions.

Rabbi Benjamin H. Spratt, Senior Rabbi, Congregation Rodeph Sholom 

Customized Virtual Toolkit


Your branding, message & mental health resources

•The film embedded directly into website

Bonus content from Viviane behind-the-scenes in her studio

•Special message from Viviane to your organization

•Site build & maintenance by our team


Contact SEE MEMORY Impact Producer, Lonnie Frazier, at seememoryfilm@gmail.com. Thank you for partnering with SEE MEMORY to spread hope and promote wellness!